Friday, May 14, 2010

Tragedy strikes

Last Sunday at 10:15 p.m. my Grandpa passed away....

It has been difficult news to swallow....

Today was his funeral and I regretfully couldn't go. I pray that he knows that I love him and that I will miss him more than he could have known.

He was such a strong, funny, and loving man! I feel bad for not being at his funeral... I hope that my family doesn't look poorly at me. I wish I could have been there to show my respects and to celebrate his life.

He was my grandfather.... he WAS... it's so hard to get used to that word. Unfortunately that's all he will be now, he's a memory. That's too hard for me to grasp! He IS and ALWAYS WILL BE my Grandfather and he will always have a specific and special place in my heart!

I feel like I should have more to say, but honestly I just miss him and wish I could be there with my family!

I'm sorry for not expressing more than that.

I just love him dearly. Now and for eternity!

Rest peacefully Grandpa. We love you!

Lord please keep him close to you always.

With all my Love,

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